I Found A Kitten Paw – Sort Of

Maine coon kitten

Maine Coon kitten found on the side of the road.

Well, it’s not a seashell, but look what I found on the side of US 27 today!

We were in the middle of nowhere, driving home from a campus visit to Florida Gulf Coast University, when I spotted something moving right by the white line of the highway. I thought it was a turtle. Amazing that I saw him at all since we were traveling in the car going about 60 mph.

I slammed on the brakes, ran back and scooped him up! He was totally covered in those prickly burrs, I could barely touch him. Plus, he really didn’t want to be held. I don’t think he’d had much human contact. I got a beach towel from the back of my car and my cooler bag, wrapped him up and put him inside.

Maine coon kitten

Maine Coon kitten, cute as can be.

Once home, I was able to start picking the burrs off and give him a brushing. I also called our vet and we’re going there in a few hours (even on a Sunday)! Thank you Knowles Snapper Creek Animal Hospital.

I wasn’t even sure it was a kitten at first, I wondered if it was a bobcat or something! (Seriously, we were in the middle of the Everglades and his paws are SO big and his whiskers are SO long.)

Anyhow, meet Max! Our newest family member.

Daddy isn’t happy :-0



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