Anne’s Beach Gave Up Some Beauties
Tulip found at Anne’s Beach.
I got to enjoy a quick visit to Anne’s Beach today in Lower Matecumbe and I found a few beauties.
Unfortunately, the one above had a crab in it. (Although in the Keys, you can keep live shells [except conch] if you have a saltwater offshore fishing license.) I put him back 🙂
Banded tulip at Anne’s Beach.
This fat little banded tulip was empty though!
I got to take him home. Anne’s Beach is great at low tide, but at high tide, it’s near impossible to get in the water and search. I can always find shells over by the mangroves.
The mangroves at Anne’s Beach in the Florida Keys.
Anne’s Beach does have picnic tables and bathroom facilities. You will also find two parking areas about 1/4 mile apart.