Double Rainbow and an Imperial Venus

Double rainbow at Sanibel island

The one good thing about rain and thunderstorms is that they produce shells like crazy, AND rainbows. This double rainbow made its appearance as we were shelling at low tide at Blind Pass. Pretty, right? (That’s my niece, Kaitlyn, making the funny face as she didn’t know I was taking the photo!)

Here are a few of our finds:

Fighting conchs

Fighting conchs by the handful

While those fighting conchs are nice (and empty!), here is my favorite: an imperial venus.

Imperial Venus shell

Imperial Venus

I’m going to do a post on these elusive shells (at least here on Sanibel, imperial venus clam shells are elusive)! This one is super pretty, and glossy, as it must be newly empty. Ever found anything good under a rainbow?



Legend of the Sand Dollar


Florida Keys Wild Bird Center